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MSJ Student Government 2020-21

Writer's picture: MSJMSJ

By Lucy G. ‘21

2020-2021 Student Government

MSJ student government elections, the second most intense election of 2020. A time where students vote for other students to represent and lead them. A time where there are more campaign posters on the walls than windows. Student government is an important aspect of MSJ, and it allows students to choose fellow students to represent them and be a voice for them. It's a time for students to express their ideas about the school and MSJ just recently concluded its 2020-2021 student elections.

There are two representatives for each grade, a secretary, a treasurer, vice president, and president. Together, these students make up MSJ’s student government. The students running for each position were elected by their fellow classmates. The candidates for president and vice president gave speeches to the student body before elections to have a final chance to swing votes their way. After an intense two week process of campaigning, the elections left us with 12 new leaders in the school.

All candidates spent their time addressing the students and making a name for themselves. Whether it was hanging up posters, handing out candy, or simply talking to fellow students, all candidates for all positions did their best to win. The presidential and vice presidential candidates were the only ones to make speeches. Each had different ideas and covered different issues and topics within their speeches.

The winners of the election were Elizabeth W. and Malcolm W. for Freshman Rep, Brian P. and Becca D. for Sophomore Rep, Brooke B. and Ellie T. for Junior Rep, Ella P. and Makayla W. for Senior Rep, Thomas H. for Treasurer, Rachel G. for Secretary, Michael V. for Vice President, and Lucy G. for President.

MSJ’s student government is a big part of the school. We take pride in leadership and relationship skills, and participation in student government results in great experience for future colleges and careers. Students gain leadership skills, problem solving, compromising skills, and confidence.

Congratulations to all student government winners and goodluck to each student for the year ahead!

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