We're excited to announce School Uniforms by Tommy Hilfiger as an approved uniform provider for Mount St. Joseph Academy families! Visit www.globalschoolwear.com to find our school store using school code MOUN06
A Mount St. Joseph Academy education is an important investment in your student’s future. While you are making your high school choice, we encourage you to explore the options we provide to help bring the cost within your means.
2024-25 Academic Year Tuition, Fees and Expenses
Actual Cost to educate a student (Unsubsidized Tuition) MSJ’s unsubsidized tuition rate is $16.000.00, which is the annual cost to educate a student. Please note that this cost may fluctuate depending on student enrollment and expenses from school year to school year.
Please contact the school for any financial tuition assistance and scholarship opportunities
Tuition Assistance: Due to the generous support of MSJ alumni, the Diocese of Burlington, local parishes, friends and local businesses; Mount St. Joseph Academy is committed to providing educational opportunities to all students who qualify for admission.
Students will not be turned away due to financial need.
Vermont School Choice
Mount St. Joseph Academy is now a school choice option for students who reside in a “sending town” which are towns that are without its own public high school.
“Sending towns” provide school tuition to send their students to approved independent or public schools.
MSJ families who are eligible for tuition under Vermont’s town tuition program do not need subsidized tuition and are assessed the full tuition cost, which their town will reimburse or pay on their behalf.
List of area sending towns include:
Rutland Town, Ira, Middletown Springs, Wells, Mendon, Chittenden, Pittsfield, Rochester, Stockbridge, Ludlow, Mount Holly, Belmont, Danby, Mount Tabor, Pawlet, Landgrove, Weston, Rupert, Peru, Dorset, Manchester, Sunderland
New Student Registration/Enrollment Fees: $125.00 per student, not to exceed $250.00 per family.
Re-enrollment for existing students: Early Registration is Free (before March 31, 2024, or $125.00 after March 31, 2024
Technology Fee: $50.00
Lab Fee: $75.00
Family Fundraising Obligation: $650.00 ($0 if full participation) opt out for $600.00
All Families are expected to fully participate in the (3) Fundraisers throughout the year.
Once your family fundraising obligation is fulfilled, any additional money raised will be credited to your owed tuition only.
Textbooks: $300.00**
Additional Financial Considerations For New Students:
Approximate Cost of School Uniforms: $250.00**
*There are additional fees for international and non-local students.
**This is an estimated cost for textbooks. Actual costs may be significantly lower or a bit higher.
If you have any questions about scheduling tuition payments, please contact Denise Watson via email at dwatson@vermontcatholic.org
International & Non-Vermont Resident Tuition
For international & Non-Vermont Resident tuition rates, please contact our Enrollment Coordinator at wbruso@msjvermont.org.